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2024-09-21 12:46:19



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报告题目:光声与OCT成像介导脑创伤中药干预报 告 人:袁振(澳门大学教授)报告时间:2024年6月24日(星期一)下午14:00—15:30报告地点:机械与汽车工程学院19楼201会议室主办单位:机械与汽车工程学院 报告人简介:袁振博士,澳门大学健康科学学院教授,澳门大学认知与脑科学研究中心主任,协同创新研究院副院长。主要从事生物医学光子学以及神经科学和脑功能成像的研究。袁振教授在脑神经科学和生物医学光子学等领域取得一系列一流国际广泛认可研究成果。在包括 Science Advances, Nature Communication, Research, Microbiome, Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Psychological Medicine, Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex, Cortex, Human Brain Mapping等脑科学杂志,和Small, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Biomaterials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Theranostics, Optics  Letters, Optics Express, Applied Physics Letters 等生物医学光子学杂志发表高质量SCI杂志论文300余篇,H-index 为53。袁振教授现任 Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery编委,BMC Medical Imaging和 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 高级副主编,是美国OSA和国际SPIE高级会员,中国神经学会理事,中国生物医学光子学会常务委员,澳门核医学与分子影像学会副主席。 报告摘要:Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is mainly characterized by the neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, neuronal apoptosis, and disrupted brain cognitive and perceptual functions. In this study, a facile nanoengineering modality is introduced to endow a variety of active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicine with multiple therapeutic functions for the construction of activatable “cocktail therapy” nanoplatform. The whole traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) nanoplatform (PBCR) introduces baicalin and curcuma into ROS- responsive natural polyphenols for targeted cocktail therapy of TBI. Meanwhile, OCT and PAM were carried out to guide the treatment. The imaging results demonstrated that the controlled drug release for ROS-response PBCR can significantly reduce neurotoxicity while promoting inflammation clearance, blood flow recovery and neuronal regeneration, thereby improving individual’s motor, cognitive and perception functions.


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