日本大阪工业大学Takayuki Myo教授:轻核结团结构中的多构型问题研究
- 来源:
- 学校官网
- 收录时间:
- 2025-01-19 13:28:06
- 时间:
- 2025-01-20 09:30:00
- 地点:
- 华南理工大学五山校区23号402室
- 报告人:
- Takayuki Myo 教授
- 学校:
- -/-
- 关键词:
- light nuclei, multi-configuration, variational scheme, antisymmetrized molecular dynamics, AMD, excited states, cluster states, alpha particle, triton, linear-chain structures, A=4N nuclei
- 简介:
- We report our recent progress on the multi-configuration description of light nuclei with a new variational scheme. We employ a nuclear model of the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) and superpose the AMD Slater determinants to describe the total wave function. All the parameters in the multiple AMD basis states are determined according to the variational principle of the total energy, which means the simultaneous optimization of the multiple AMD bases. We further extend the method to describe the excited states imposing the orthogonality to the ground-state configurations. We show the results of light nuclei of He, Li and Be isotopes, in which we confirm not only the shell-model like states but also the cluster states with various partitions including the alpha particle and triton. We also predict the elongated linear-chain structures in the excited states of 9Li and 10Be with N=6 isotones. We further report the preliminary results of A=4N nuclei, 12C, 16O and 20Ne and the multi alpha-cluster states are confirmed in their excited states.
- -/- 15
报告题目:轻核结团结构中的多构型问题研究 报告人:Takayuki Myo 教授 (大阪工业大学) 主持人:万牛副教授 报告时间:2025年1月20日(星期一)上午09:30 报告地点:华南理工大学五山校区23号402室 主办单位:物理与光电学院
Takayuki Myo,物理学博士,日本大阪工业大学教授,长期从事原子核物理相关的理论工作,主要研究课题涉及不稳定轻核的结构与共振态性质、原子核中的奇特集团结构、核子—核子间的关联效应、核物质状态方程等。主持日本学术振兴会基金9项,在Physical Review Letters, Physics Letters B, Physical Review C, Journal of Physics G, Nuclear Physics A等核物理重要期刊发表论文近200篇,出版著作4部。