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2024-09-20 05:39:35



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活动主题:材料对全球重大问题的影响时    间:2024年7月8日(星期一)13:00—18:00地    点:广州国际校区F1b-108报告厅主办单位:华南理工大学承办单位:华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院、黄埔绿色先进材料技术研究院 活动概述:中欧材料高端对话聚焦材料科学的前沿技术和发展趋势,探讨材料在环境、能源、健康等领域的应用与挑战,通过深入研讨和展示材料科学在解决全球性问题中的关键作用,从而推动材料科学的创新与发展。此次对话为中欧材料领域顶尖学者搭建了一个直接对话与交流的平台,激发科研灵感,促进创新思维碰撞,为解决全球重大问题提供新的思路和方法。 报名链接:https://scutmaterials.wjx.cn/vm/mAG85xW.aspx#   附:报告人及报告题目报告人Speaker演讲题目Title of speech王玉忠How should disposable plastic products   develop?Rodrigo Martins1、European Academy of   Sciences (EurASc) as a global Academician Association2、Advanced Materials   Academy launched by the European Commission as a key strategic area of our   futurePhilippe DuboisHow will chemistry shape the materials of   the future?CZDSoft material materials: the current   situation and the developmentPatrick MaestroThe Critical Role of Innovation in   Essential Materials for Energy, Environment, and Transportation瞿金平Innovation of processing technology   promotes sustainable development of polymeric materialsPascal MétivierNew materials development: identifying key   drivers for global impact胡国华Will polymerphages save polymers?Federico RoseiBottlenecks in sustainability陈学思Current situation and future of   biodegradable polymersElvira FortunatoPaper electronics and their impacts on the   society challenges柴立元Integrated Research on Metallurgy and   Materials ScienceLuigi AmbrosioCould the knowledge gained in biomaterials   for health help to overcome sustainable materials challenges?Dimitrios AngelisConnection between structural health   monitoring and sustainability in structures马於光Organic Ferromagnetic SemiconductorsGiuseppe LacidognaConnection between structural health   monitoring and sustainability in structuresSanjay MathurSustainable Horizons: Role of Advanced   Materials in Energy Transition傅正义Bioprocessing-inspired Eco-fabrication for   New MaterialsJuan MoranteMaterials for the energy transition韩恩厚Importance and challenges of corrosion –   one of the important materials performanceHyacinthe RandriaFrom materials design to devices within   PRINTUP Institute张立群New Green Engineering Elastomers


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