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Comparing Local Revitalizing Efforts in Asia

2024-09-21 01:38:01



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一、讲座名称 Comparing Local Revitalizing Efforts in Asia 二、主讲人 Tianshu PAN 三、讲座时间 2024-07-09 09:00:00 四、讲座地点 知新A1618,zoom6418874740 五、主要内容 In the flood of urbanization and industrialization in Asia for the past decades, a sense of crisis about the future of the rural has long been felt. Continuous and massive rural-urban migration and accompanying changes in values and lifestyles have been the major background for these concerns. In response, various measures have been taken both at the official and civilian levels to counteract the overall trend and to salvage the vanishing local communities and their cultures once again. When observed from a comparative perspective, however, clear discrepancy in the conceptualization of the local, overall patterns of the re-vitalizing efforts as well as their ideological orientations are noted among Asian countries and regions mainly due to the time gap as well as to the changing global historical context of the rural-urban dynamics in which they are situated. On the basis of concrete ethnographic case studies, the workshop aims at close examination and cross-cultural comparison of various efforts in Asia. 注:zoom会议密码2023


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