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巴黎市高等物理与工业化学学院Costantino Creton 教授:用于检测材料损伤的机械力化学


2025-01-19 13:27:30

2025-01-07 16:00:00


Costantino Creton教授(ESPCI, Paris)


mechanochemistry, polymer physics, continuum mechanics, mechanophores, optical signal, stress detection, bond scission, crack propagation, quantitative detection, material comparison, calibration

In recent years mechanochemistry has imposed itself as a novel promising chemical tool to bridge the gap between polymer physics and continuum mechanics in soft materials. The suitable incorporation of force-sensitive molecules (mechanophores) in load-bearing positions in soft (entropic) polymer networks and in linear chains has provided a tool to detect stresses and bond scission in 2D and 3D through the intensity of an optical signal. We will present recent results linking the optical signal detected upon activation of the mechanophore with the applied mechanical load. Recent investigations address questions of stress field detection and quantification and quantitative damage by bond scission during crack propagation in continuous loading and crack initiation. We will also discuss the requirements to go from simple imaging to quantitative detection, for comparisons between different materials and calibration of continuum mechanics models.

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In recent years mechanochemistry has imposed itself as a novel promising chemical tool to bridge the gap between polymer physics and continuum mechanics in soft materials. The suitable incorporation of force-sensitive molecules (mechanophores) in load-bearing positions in soft (entropic) polymer networks and in linear chains has provided a tool to detect stresses and bond scission in 2D and 3D through the intensity of an optical signal. We will present recent results linking the optical signal detected upon activation of the mechanophore with the applied mechanical load. Recent investigations address questions of stress field detection and quantification and quantitative damage by bond scission during crack propagation in continuous loading and crack initiation. We will also discuss the requirements to go from simple imaging to quantitative detection, for comparisons between different materials and calibration of continuum mechanics models.
Costantino Creton于1985年毕业于瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院材料科学专业。随后,他转至康奈尔大学(美国)材料科学与工程系,并于1991年获得博士学位。在IBM Almaden研究中心(美国)获得博士后后,他于1993年以博士后助理的身份加入了ESPCI Paris的物理化学结构和宏观分子实验室,自1994年以来,他一直在CNRS担任固定研究员职位。2001年,他在软物质科学与工程实验室晋升为CNRS研究主任(相当于教授)。自2009年以来,他一直领导软聚合物网络研究小组的研究活动。自2011年以来,他还担任荷兰聚合物研究所高性能聚合物技术领域的科学主席,并于2016年被任命为北海道大学全球软物质研究中心的杰出教授。自2019年5月以来,他担任ESPCI Paris-PSL大学的副校长。他在同行评审期刊上发表了220多篇文章,13本书的章节,并在国际会议上发表了120多场特邀演讲和全体演讲。他的研究兴趣集中聚合物的界面力学以及软聚合物网络的变形和断裂。


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