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杨晓帆: Simulating flow and solute transport in subsurface environments——From pore-scale to beyond

2024-09-22 17:24:41



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报告时间:2024年5月25日(星期六)10:00 报告地点:资环学院西教学楼301报告厅 报 告 人:杨晓帆 教授 工作单位:北京师范大学 举办单位:资源与环境工程学院 报告简介: Research of the multi-scale, multi-phase, and multi-processes system is of great interest in understanding subsurface environments. However, the coupled flow and transport processes are complex yet challenging for model development and utilization. There have been numerous object-oriented and easy-to-use models/codes across scales to facilitate consistency, continuity, and reproducibility in subsurface research. In addition, pioneer efforts on upscaling also inspire the development of hybrid multi-scale models. It is then critical to intercompare codes and approaches for their evaluation or validation, and propel discussions for optimizing the codes and the development of the next-generation numerical approaches. In this talk, we present a suite of at-scale and multi-scale models that we developed and utilized in recent years for simulating flow and transport processes, with intercomparison and benchmarking cases, including: (1) pore-scale models for simulating fluid flow, solute transport and biofilm growth in porous and fractured media; (2) continuum-scale models for simulating thermo-hydrological processes in frozen soils; (3) regional-scale integrated hydrologic models for simulating groundwater-surface interactions; (4) hybrid multi-scale models (pore- to continuum-scale) for numerical upscaling. 报告人简介: 杨晓帆,博士,博导。现任北京师范大学地理科学学部教授,国家海外高层次人才引进计划青年专家。曾任美国能源部西北太平洋国家实验室研究员。长期从事地球关键带物质运移、土壤-地下水溶质迁移建模与数值模拟、新能源开发的生态环境效应等方面的研究。近五年,以第一/通讯作者在ES&T、WRR、APEN等环境地球科学、水文与水资源学和能源科学高影响期刊发表多篇SCI论文。主持国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发计划项目专题、生态环境部重大专项课题和广东省平台建设专项等。现任国际北极科学委员会陆地工作组副主席、国际多孔介质学会国家委员会中国代表和国际关键带联合会科学指导委员会委员;担任国际水文学高影响期刊Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies、Hydrological Processes副编辑。


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