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Approximate packing of independent transversals in locally sparse graphs

2024-09-22 07:10:19



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一、报告题目 Approximate packing of independent transversals in locally sparse graphs 二、主讲人 Tuan Tran (USTC) 三、报告时间 2024年5月24日 14:30–16:30 四、报告地点 青岛校区华岗苑东楼E119 五、摘要 Consider a multipartite graph G with maximum degree at most n−o(n), parts V1,…,Vk have size |Vi|=n, and every vertex has at most o(n) neighbors in any part Vi. Loh and Sudakov proved that any such G has an independent transversal. They further conjectured that the vertex set of G can be decomposed into pairwise disjoint independent transversals. In the present paper, we resolve this conjecture approximately by showing that G contains n−o(n) pairwise disjoint independent transversals. As applications, we give approximate answers to questions of Yuster, and of Fischer, Kühn, and Osthus. Joint work with Debsoumya Chakraborti. 六、主讲人简介 Tuan Tran is a Professor at University of Science and Technology of China. He received his PhD in mathematics in 2015 from Free University of Berlin under the supervision of Tibor Szabo. He subsequently held positions at Czech Academy of Sciences, ETH Zurich, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and Institute for Basic Science. 七、主办单位 非线性期望前沿科学中心 数学与交叉科学研究中心 中俄数学中心青岛基地


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